在生物医学语料库中预先培训的语言模型,例如Biobert,最近在下游生物医学任务上显示出令人鼓舞的结果。另一方面,由于嵌入尺寸,隐藏尺寸和层数等因素,许多现有的预训练模型在资源密集型和计算上都是沉重的。自然语言处理(NLP)社区已经制定了许多策略来压缩这些模型,利用修剪,定量和知识蒸馏等技术,从而导致模型更快,更小,随后更易于使用。同样,在本文中,我们介绍了六种轻型模型,即Biodistilbert,Biotinybert,BioMobilebert,Distilbiobert,Tinybiobert和Cmpactactbiobert,并通过掩护的语言在PubMed DataSet上通过掩护数据进行了知识蒸馏而获得的知识蒸馏来获得。建模(MLM)目标。我们在三个生物医学任务上评估了所有模型,并将它们与Biobert-V1.1进行比较,以创建有效的轻量级模型,以与较大的对应物相同。所有模型将在我们的HuggingFace配置文件上公开可用,网址为https://huggingface.co/nlpie,用于运行实验的代码将在https://github.com/nlpie-research/compact-compact-biomedical-transformers上获得。
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为了训练强大的深神经网络(DNNS),我们系统地研究了几种目标修饰方法,其中包括输出正则化,自我和非自动标签校正(LC)。发现了三个关键问题:(1)自我LC是最吸引人的,因为它利用了自己的知识,不需要额外的模型。但是,在文献中,如何自动确定学习者的信任程度并没有很好地回答。 (2)一些方法会受到惩罚,而另一些方法奖励低渗透预测,促使我们询问哪一种更好。 (3)使用标准训练设置,当存在严重的噪音时,受过训练的网络的信心较低,因此很难利用其高渗透自我知识。为了解决问题(1),采取两个良好接受的命题 - 深度神经网络在拟合噪声和最小熵正则原理之前学习有意义的模式 - 我们提出了一种名为Proselflc的新颖的端到端方法,该方法是根据根据学习时间和熵。具体而言,给定数据点,如果对模型进行了足够的时间训练,并且预测的熵较低(置信度很高),则我们逐渐增加对预测标签分布的信任与其注释的信任。根据ProSelfLC的说法,对于(2),我们从经验上证明,最好重新定义有意义的低渗透状态并优化学习者对其进行优化。这是防御熵最小化的防御。为了解决该问题(3),我们在利用低温以纠正标签之前使用低温降低了自我知识的熵,因此修订后的标签重新定义了低渗透目标状态。我们通过在清洁和嘈杂的环境以及图像和蛋白质数据集中进行广泛的实验来证明ProSelfLC的有效性。此外,我们的源代码可在https://github.com/xinshaoamoswang/proselflc-at上获得。
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变形金刚是一个有前途的神经网络学习者,在各种机器学习任务中取得了巨大的成功。由于最近的多模式应用程序和大数据的流行率,基于变压器的多模式学习已成为AI研究中的热门话题。本文对以多模式数据为导向的变压器技术进行了全面调查。该调查的主要内容包括:(1)多模式学习,变压器生态系统和多模式大数据时代的背景,(2)从几何拓扑的观点,从几何拓扑的角度来看,对香草变压器,视觉变压器和多模式变压器的理论回顾, (3)通过两个重要范式(即用于多模式预处理和特定的多模式任务)对多模式变压器应用的综述,(4)摘要多模式变压器模型和应用共享的共同挑战和设计,以及(5)讨论社区的开放问题和潜在的研究方向。
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Springs can provide force at zero net energy cost by recycling negative mechanical work to benefit motor-driven robots or spring-augmented humans. However, humans have limited force and range of motion, and motors have a limited ability to produce force. These limits constrain how much energy a conventional spring can store and, consequently, how much assistance a spring can provide. In this paper, we introduce an approach to accumulating negative work in assistive springs over several motion cycles. We show that, by utilizing a novel floating spring mechanism, the weight of a human or robot can be used to iteratively increase spring compression, irrespective of the potential energy stored by the spring. Decoupling the force required to compress a spring from the energy stored by a spring advances prior works, and could enable spring-driven robots and humans to perform physically demanding tasks without the use of large actuators.
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Recent years have seen a proliferation of research on adversarial machine learning. Numerous papers demonstrate powerful algorithmic attacks against a wide variety of machine learning (ML) models, and numerous other papers propose defenses that can withstand most attacks. However, abundant real-world evidence suggests that actual attackers use simple tactics to subvert ML-driven systems, and as a result security practitioners have not prioritized adversarial ML defenses. Motivated by the apparent gap between researchers and practitioners, this position paper aims to bridge the two domains. We first present three real-world case studies from which we can glean practical insights unknown or neglected in research. Next we analyze all adversarial ML papers recently published in top security conferences, highlighting positive trends and blind spots. Finally, we state positions on precise and cost-driven threat modeling, collaboration between industry and academia, and reproducible research. We believe that our positions, if adopted, will increase the real-world impact of future endeavours in adversarial ML, bringing both researchers and practitioners closer to their shared goal of improving the security of ML systems.
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By optimizing the rate-distortion-realism trade-off, generative compression approaches produce detailed, realistic images, even at low bit rates, instead of the blurry reconstructions produced by rate-distortion optimized models. However, previous methods do not explicitly control how much detail is synthesized, which results in a common criticism of these methods: users might be worried that a misleading reconstruction far from the input image is generated. In this work, we alleviate these concerns by training a decoder that can bridge the two regimes and navigate the distortion-realism trade-off. From a single compressed representation, the receiver can decide to either reconstruct a low mean squared error reconstruction that is close to the input, a realistic reconstruction with high perceptual quality, or anything in between. With our method, we set a new state-of-the-art in distortion-realism, pushing the frontier of achievable distortion-realism pairs, i.e., our method achieves better distortions at high realism and better realism at low distortion than ever before.
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Understanding our brain is one of the most daunting tasks, one we cannot expect to complete without the use of technology. MindBigData aims to provide a comprehensive and updated dataset of brain signals related to a diverse set of human activities so it can inspire the use of machine learning algorithms as a benchmark of 'decoding' performance from raw brain activities into its corresponding (labels) mental (or physical) tasks. Using commercial of the self, EEG devices or custom ones built by us to explore the limits of the technology. We describe the data collection procedures for each of the sub datasets and with every headset used to capture them. Also, we report possible applications in the field of Brain Computer Interfaces or BCI that could impact the life of billions, in almost every sector like healthcare game changing use cases, industry or entertainment to name a few, at the end why not directly using our brains to 'disintermediate' senses, as the final HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) device? simply what we call the journey from Type to Touch to Talk to Think.
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Biometrics is the science of identifying an individual based on their intrinsic anatomical or behavioural characteristics, such as fingerprints, face, iris, gait, and voice. Iris recognition is one of the most successful methods because it exploits the rich texture of the human iris, which is unique even for twins and does not degrade with age. Modern approaches to iris recognition utilize deep learning to segment the valid portion of the iris from the rest of the eye, so it can then be encoded, stored and compared. This paper aims to improve the accuracy of iris semantic segmentation systems by introducing a novel data augmentation technique. Our method can transform an iris image with a certain dilation level into any desired dilation level, thus augmenting the variability and number of training examples from a small dataset. The proposed method is fast and does not require training. The results indicate that our data augmentation method can improve segmentation accuracy up to 15% for images with high pupil dilation, which creates a more reliable iris recognition pipeline, even under extreme dilation.
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